Earlier tonight as my pastor discussed over Mark 11:20-26, I had a HUGE revelation. Athough I am naturally an emotional being, lately it seems to just be worse. After a family spat in April, I was reveling in seeing God move through my life and relationships. Let me tell you...when you pray for something or when your friends pray for you about certain things, GOD WILL HEAR YOU AND HE WILL ACT. He will act whether it be now or in the furture. For me, this was aproximately two weeks later when he answered me and my sisters in Christ. God knew exactly what I needed and when I needed it.
Tonight he gave me another piece of information and this is what I prayed after: "Father, since I cannot forgive the ones who have hurt me, I cannot ask you to forgive me of my sins. Father, I am bitter towards those around me because it is what my flesh knows."
Visiting my mother last weekend, I also realized just how powerful God is. Years ago, I knew I was supposed to move back to the town I live now. I did not know, as my sister is graduating, how hard the emotional toll would be to leave my "nonnie", as I used to call her, at her new apartment, with family and friends celebrating and having a great time. God knew about that. God knew the turmoil I would be in right now, in this very day, and he is there with open arms.
Don't harden your hearts and keep it all in, embrace your Father and let it all out. (There is no real purpose for this blog, but I hope it speaks to you.)
Jessica :)