Sunday, April 11, 2010

Blessed By God's Grace

Happy Sunday Everyone! I am truly sorry for my extended absence; I really was planning to write sooner! God has shown me so much over this past month about myself and the one's around me that it's somewhat overwhelming. I'll dive in for now and share with you what's been blessing me.

As you probably know by now, I'm a HUGE Carrie Underwood fan! God had plans for me to hear her first, well I guess second, single in the summer of 2005 and He had plans to change my life. I was reading a verse earlier today, Genesis 12:2 and I thought of Carrie. It states
I will make you into a great nation. I will bless you and make you famous, and you will be a blessing to others. Although this message was for Abraham, I believe it was for Carrie too. I cannot tell you what a blessing her music and her relationship with God have been for me. Have you ever said "I want a relationship with God like your relationship with God?" This was what it was like for me. I wanted to be a better Christian, person, and child of God just like her and my friend Shelbee are. I posted this verse on Carrie's Fan Club and said "This is Carrie Nation," because it is, "and you have been blessed by God and we have been blessed by you." Carrie also let us fan club members in on what book she was reading one time and it was The Shack by Paul Young. If you have not read this book, you really should! This book is a blessing in itself and will give you a million other reasons to love God.

While waiting on my grandma after church, I was going around talking to everyone before they left, and as I was talking to Mrs. Tonya I thought "I am so glad it was her!" I'll tell you I thought this about Mrs. Jennifer, Mrs. Shelbee, and Miss Carrie as well. I am SO glad I have some AMAZING women who can guide me into becoming the person Christ wants and needs me to be! I love them all so very much and I am very proud of each of them.

This post I want to introduce something new... a prayer list. If you would, will you say a prayer for these people in my life. Ricky-had a stroke Friday, Mackenzie Jackson-She is getting better and out of the hospital, Mallory Hernandez-She is walking again! I got to see her walk!, Shelbee, John and Jordan-Pray that God shows him where he needs them for His will to be completed, Frankie-Pray that he turns his life around, Maelyn and Keyton-Pray that Keyton will be born healthy and SOON!!, Jennifer and Isaac & Becca and Lane-Thank God for these blessings, Tonya-Pray that she will continue to grow with Christ and be a blessing to us all! As Brother Bryan says...Be in constant prayer for the people around you.

Much Love & God Bless,