Tuesday, March 29, 2011


And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. -Romans 8:28

This past week, God has been screaming to get my attention. Amidst trying to continue my walk with Him, and trying to deal with just "life", I couldn't hear what he was trying to tell me. I was so caught up in day-to-day drama that I'd lost his voice. Some of my church family came to visit this past week, Micah and Will Rayburn. I remember Micah from my years of visiting the church and her teaching one of my cousins piano. (They now have their own ministry you can check out at www.willrayburn.org.) Sunday and Wednesday, we got to enjoy services with them and it was just amazing! Sunday, they sang some songs and then they let the preacher speak, but the songs they were singing were just at taste of Wednesday night. 

Wednesday night, before we started, I asked God to open my heart to receive whatever he wanted to tell me that night. The first thing, Will said was "Each of us has a purpose, and there is a reason you all are here tonight. There is someone that needs to let Jesus in." I have been struggling with the fact that I felt I couldn't hear God and that I didn't have a purpose, but it was like He was speaking directly to me! Later on Will said "God's love light will shatter any darkness you have inside of you," and I was done for. If anyone has heard Taylor Swift's song "Back To December", I'll let you know that this has become my December 2010. Although, I'm not the one asking for forgiveness (or singing the song), I've been on the receiving end. After the relationship ended, I put up a wall around my heart and ended up shutting some of God out too. But He knew my heart, inside and out, and He shattered that wall. Through Will's words, he shattered that wall between me and him. I told Micah later on that I needed a copy of that service on CD so I could refer back to it. They don't tape them, so I'm coping this now. 

God has a purpose for each of us. God has a purpose for us to work for his good and we are going to effect others around us. What you do today, will effect everyone around you. Like my teacher in Sunday School said the other day, if she chose to (for instance,) start drinking alcohol, it would effect our class, her 6 (beautiful) children and everyone in their lives, her husband and everyone in his life, and everyone else in her life. Now, that's a lot of people! Start asking God to reveal his purpose for you, today. Start praying for your children, your spouse, your children's spouses, your family, and your friends, today! We are not promised tomorrow, so start living for God today!

Much Love & God Bless,